To know deeper about Yayoi Shochu, here is the history of the brewery and elaborate technique of making Yayoi Shochu.
01 : 麹づくり
黒糖焼酎の主な原料は、黒糖と米(こうじ)です。米はタイ米を使用しています。国産米は吸水率がバラバラで、蒸し上がりが均一になりません。 タイ米の方がいい状態で麹の出来が良く、味が全然違います。
米は自動製麹機で洗浄、浸漬、水切り、蒸し、冷却を行います。蒸しあがった米を冷却した後、麹菌を散布して適温を保ち約40時間熟成させます。 この時、麹菌は大量のクエン酸を生成します。このクエン酸には雑菌による汚染防止の働きがある為、「もろみ」の腐敗を防いでくれます。黒糖は高温の蒸気で溶解した後、25~30度に冷やして一次仕込後に使用。
The main ingredients of our shochu are brown sugar and rice (koji). We use Thai rice because the water absorption rate of Japanese rice is unstable and its softness becomes erratic when it is steamed. Thai rice, on the other hand, is more suitable for malting and tastes much better than Japanese one. By automatic malting system, the rice is washed, soaked, drained, steamed, and cooled. After cooling the steamed rice, koji microbes scattered on the rice and kept at the appropriate temperature for 40 hours for aging. At this time, yeasts of koji produce a large amount of citric acid, which serves as a natural preservative. After melting brown sugar by high-temperature steam, cool it and prepare for the next step.
02 : 一次仕込み
The first step preparation of Yayoi Shochu is called Kame-Jikomi (urn cultivation). Koji is moved from the auto malting system to an urn and produces shochu yeast in the urn and alters sugar into alcohol in the next stage.
03 : 二次仕込み
黒砂糖を溶かして、冷やしたものをタンクに移動します。 この甕から、一次モロミを黒砂糖の上にかけます。
After cultivating shochu yeast in the first step, the next is brown sugar. Mixing the moromi with melted cool brown sugar in a tank, the shochu yeast converts the brown sugar into alcohol.
04 : 蒸留
There are two ways of distillation: one is decompressive distillation and the other is atmospheric pressure distillation. The majority of products in the shochu market are from the former way but Yayoi Shochu is produced by the latter. In the second step, moromi, which is produced by alcohol fermentation after mixing koji microbes, yeast and brown sugar, is conveyed into the distiller using a motor.
05 : 貯蔵
After distillation, the undiluted shochu is stored in tanks to deepen the flavor of shochu. Then it is moved to barrels to adjust flavor and quality of taste. For storage, we use new barrels that have not been filled with anything before. These barrels are made of oak wood and are called Kashidaru (oak barrels).
06 : 瓶詰め・出荷
When the shochu is bottled and the lid is closed, each bottle goes through visual inspection. Then they are labeled, packed and all set to be shipped. All processes but labeling are done by human hand.